Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Jammu and Kashmir Common Entrance Test, 2008

Jammu and Kashmir Common Entrance Test, 2008
BIOLOGY : Solved Paper

1. Stem is modified into cladode :
(A) Casuarina
(B) Asparagus
(C) Opuntia
(D) Euphorbia

2. Verticillaster type of inflorescence is found in :
(A) Cotton
(B) Datura
(C) Lilium
(D) Ocimum

3. A simple one seeded fruit in which pericarp is fused with seed coat is :
(A) Achene
(B) Caryopsis
(C) Cypsela
(D) Nut

4. The portion of DNA which contains information for an entire polypeptide is called :
(A) Cistron
(B) Muton
(C) Recon
(D) Operon

5. Bicarpellary, syncarpous ovary with axile placentation is seen in :
(A) Solanaceae
(B) Caesalpinaceae
(C) Asteraceae
(D) Malvaceae

6. Alburnum is also called :
(A) Autumn wood
(B) Heart wood
(C) Sap wood
(D) Spring wood

7. The entry of pollen tube into the ovule through micropyle is called :
(A) Porogamy
(B) Mesogamy
(C) Anisogamy
(D) Chalazogamy

8. Type of pollination in Commelina is :
(A) Chasmogamy
(B) Geitonogamy
(C) Xenogamy
(D) Cleistogamy

9. The process of embryo formation without fertilization is known as :
(A) Apospory
(B) Apogamy
(C) Parthenocarpy
(D) Polyembryony

10. Which of the process Cholodny-Went theory is concerned with ?
(A) Photomorphogenesis
(B) Photoperiodism
(C) Phototropism
(D) Photorespiration

11. The hormone present in the liquid endosperm of coconut is :
(A) Cytokinin
(B) Gibberellin
(C) Ethylene
(D) Auxin

12. The phytohormone which influences apical dominance growth is :
(C) GA3
(D) C2H4

13. An example of short day plant is :
(A) Wheat
(B) Maize
(C) Chrysanthemum
(D) Radish

14. The ovary after fertilization is converted into :
(A) Embryo
(B) Endosperm
(C) Fruit
(D) Seed

15. The molecular formula of Chlorophyll ‘a’ is :
(A) C55H72O5N4Mg
(B) C55H70O5N4Mg
(C) C55H72O6N4Mg
(D) C50H72O5N4Mg

16. The first compound that accepts CO2 during dark phase is :
(B) Ferrodoxin
(D) Cytochrome

17. Initiation codon for methionine is :

18. The deficiency of this micronutrient results in little leaf disease :
(A) Copper
(B) Zinc
(C) Boron
(D) Iron

19. Kranz anatomy is a morphological diversity in the leaves of :
(A) C3-plants
(B) C4-plants
(C) C3 and C4-plants
(D) CAM plants

20. Prechilling treatment to break seed dormancy is :
(A) Scarification
(B) Stratification
(C) Impaction
(D) Vernalization

21. The pyruvic acid formed during glycolysis is oxidized to CO2 and H2O in a cycle called :
(A) Calvin cycle
(B) Nitrogen cycle
(C) Hill reaction
(D) Krebs cycle

22. Respiratory quotient (RQ) is one in case of :
(A) Fatty acids
(B) Nucleic acids
(C) Carbohydrates
(D) Organic acids

23. An example of free living nitrogen fixing aerobic bacteria is :
(A) Clostridium
(B) Rhizobium
(C) Azotobacter
(D) Rhodospirillum

24. Identify the plant belonging to the Reed-Swamp stage in hydrarch succession :
(A) Juncus
(B) Sagittaria
(C) Salix
(D) Trapa

25. A gas produced by paddy fields and connected with global warming is :
(A) CO2
(B) Chlorine
(C) H2S
(D) Methane

26. If the strong partner is benefited and the weak partner is damaged, it is known as :
(A) Predation
(B) Allelopathy
(C) Symbiosis
(D) Commensalism

27. Acid rain is mainly caused due to increase in the levels of the gas(es) :
(A) SO2 only
(B) CO2 only
(C) SO2, CO2
(D) NO2 and SO2

28. The flow of energy among various trophic levels of an ecosystem is :
(A) Unidirectional
(B) Bidirectional
(C) Multidirectional
(D) Circular

29. Increase in atmospheric temperature due to CO2 is called :
(A) Pasteur effect
(B) Green-house effect
(C) Blackman effect
(D) Emerson effect

30. The protective-ozone layer is present in :
(A) Ionosphere
(B) Stratosphere
(C) Troposphere
(D) Lithosphere

31. Decomposition of organic matter is brought about by :
(A) Protozoa
(B) Plants
(C) Micro-organisms
(D) None of these

32. The smallest taxon is called :
(A) Class
(B) Order
(C) Genus
(D) Species

33. Which one of the following is the first National Park in India ?
(A) Kanha National Park
(B) Periyar National Park
(C) Corbett National Park
(D) Bandipur National Park

34. Which one of the following is having ssRNA ?
(B) T2-bacteriophage
(C) Polio Virus

35. In Whittaker’s system of classification, prokaryotes are placed in the kingdom :
(A) Protista
(B) Monera
(C) Plantae
(D) Animalia

36. Virus consists of :
(A) Nucleic acid and protein
(B) Nucleic acid
(C) Orotein
(D) None of these

37. This substance is present in the cell walls of Gram Positive bacteria only :
(A) Peptidoglycan
(B) Lipopolysaccharides
(C) Teichoic acids
(D) None of these

38. Highest degree of polymorphism is found in :
(A) Protozoa
(B) Cnidaria
(C) Platyhelminthes
(D) Arthropoda

39. Sea mouse belongs to phylum :
(A) Mollusca
(B) Cnidaria
(C) Arthropoda
(D) Annelida

40. One of the following animal belongs to Cyclostomata :
(A) Channa
(B) Loris
(C) Dodo
(D) Petromyzon

41. An egg laying mammal is :
(A) Delphinus
(B) Macaca
(C) Ornithorhynchus
(D) Macropus

42. In sharks, one of the following is absent :
(A) Claspers
(B) Placoid scales
(C) Cartilaginous endoskeleton
(D) Air bladder

43. The devil fish and sea hare are :
(A) Molluscs
(B) Crustaceans
(C) Coelenterates
(D) Marine fish and mammal

44. Endothelium of blood vessels is made up of :
(A) Simple cuboidal epithelium
(B) Simple squamous epithelium
(C) Simple columnar epithelium
(D) Simple non-ciliated columnar

45. In humans, sphincter of Oddi is associated with the opening of :
(A) Common hepatopancreatic duct
(B) Pyloric stomach
(C) Oesophagus
(D) Colon

46. In human beings, the duration of cardiac cycle is :
(A) 0•08 second
(B) 0•5 second
(C) 0•8 second
(D) 8•0 second

47. In which part of nephron, reabsorption is minimum from filtrate ?
(A) Henle’s loop
(B) Proximal convoluted tubule
(C) Distal convoluted tubule
(D) Collecting duct

48. Which hormone level reaches peak during luteal phase of menstrual cycle ?
(A) Luteinizing hormone
(B) Progesterone
(C) Follicle stimulating hormone
(D) Estrogen

49. The largest subunit of prokaryotic ribosomes is :
(A) 30S
(B) 40S
(C) 50S
(D) 60S

50. Which of the following is a part of endomembrane system of eukaryotic cell ?
(A) Peroxisomes
(B) Chloroplasts
(C) Mitochondria
(D) Golgi complexes

51. Inflammation of joints due to accumulation of uric acid crystals is called as :
(A) Gout
(B) Myasthenia gravis
(C) Osteoporosis
(D) Osteomalacia

52. Chromosomes are visible with chromatids at this phase of mitosis :
(A) Interphase
(B) Prophase
(C) Metaphase
(D) Anaphase

53. Inheritance of ABO blood grouping is an example of :
(A) Dominance
(B) Codominance
(C) Incomplete dominance
(D) All of these

54. In a dihybrid cross between RRYY and rryy parents, the number of RrYy genotypes in F2 generation will be :
(A) 4
(B) 3
(C) 2
(D) 1

55. Identify a 47, + 21 disorder from the following :
(A) Down’s syndrome
(B) Turner’s syndrome
(C) Phenylketonuria
(D) Klinefelter’s syndrome

56. Uracil is present in RNA at the place of :
(A) Adenine
(B) Guanine
(C) Cytosine
(D) Thymine

57. Copying genetic information from one strand of DNA into RNA is :
(A) Translation
(B) Transcription
(C) Transformation
(D) Transduction

58. S. L. Miller’s closed flask contained :
(A) CH4
(B) H2
(C) NH3 and Water vapour
(D) All of these

59. Change of frequency of alleles in a population results in evolution is proposed in :
(A) Darwin’s theory
(B) Lamarck’s theory
(C) Hardy-Weinberg principle
(D) De Vries theory

60. One of the following is the vestigial organ in human beings :
(A) Nictitating membrane
(B) Spleen
(C) Femur
(D) Tibia

61. The golden age of reptiles is :
(A) Cenozoic era
(B) Palaeozoic era
(C) Mesozoic era
(D) Silurian period

62. The theory of use and disuse of organ was proposed by :
(A) Darwin
(B) Lamarck
(C) De Vries
(D) Hooker

63. One of the following theories were proposed by Weissman :
(A) Law of inheritance
(B) Theory of inheritance of acquired characters
(C) Theory of natural selection
(D) Theory of germplasm

64. Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny—
this theory is called :
(A) Biogenetic law
(B) Law of embryology
(C) Law of acquired characters
(D) Law of Bridges

65. The brain capacity of Homoerectus is :
(A) 800 cc
(B) 900 cc
(C) 1200 cc
(D) 1400 cc

66. An example of Innate immunity is :
(A) PMNL-neutrophils
(B) T-lymphocytes
(C) B-lymphocytes
(D) TH cells

67. Cocaine is extracted from :
(A) Erythroxylum coca
(B) Cannabis sativa
(C) Papaver somniferum
(D) Atropa belladonna

68. The enzyme that cuts DNA is :
(A) DNA-polymerase
(B) DNA-ligase
(C) DNA-lyase
(D) Restriction endonuclease

69. In the association between two organisms, if one organism is benefited and the other is not benefited, this relationship is known as :
(A) Symbiotism
(B) Mutualism
(C) Commensalism
(D) Parasitism

70. Opiate narcotics drugs are :
(A) Antianxiety
(B) Analgesic
(C) Hypnotic
(D) Antihistamine

71. The drug useful to increase cardiovascular effects in human beings is :
(A) Cocaine
(B) Barbiturate
(C) Benzodiazetine
(D) Insulin

72. In echolocation, the animal that produces high frequency sounds is :
(A) Monkey
(B) Butterfly
(C) Squirrel
(D) Bat

73. Two kingdoms constantly figured in all biological classifications are :
(A) Plantae and Animalia
(B) Monera and Animalia
(C) Protista and Animalia
(D) Protista and Plantae

74. The dioecious animal is :
(A) Liverfluke
(B) Hookworm
(C) Tapeworm
(D) Earthworm

75. Comb plates are found in :
(A) Adamsia
(B) Aurelia
(C) Nereis
(D) Pleurobrachia

Answers with Hints
1. (B) Cladode is a type of phylloclade consisting of one internode only. These are cylindrical (not fleshy) and are mistaken for leaves.
2. (D) Verticillaster is a complex inflorescence found in the Ocimum sanctum, a member of family Labiatae.
3. (B) 4. (A) 5. (A) 6. (C) 7. (A)
8. (D) Cleistogamy is seen in underground flowers of Commelina bengalensis which are small and inconspicuous. This plant also bears chasmogamous blue flowers above.
9. (B) 10. (C) 11. (A) 12. (A)
13. (C) Short day plant (SDP) requires a relatively short day light period (usually 8-10 hrs.) and a continuous dark period of about 14–16 hours for subsequent flowering.
14. (C) 15. (A) 16. (C) 17. (D) 18. (B)
19. (B) Kranz anatomy—It is a typical structure in the leaves of plants that have a C4–pathway of CO2 fixation. The leaves contain a ring of mesophyll cells, containing a few chloroplasts surroundings a sheath of bundle sheath cells having large chloroplasts involved in the Calvin cycle.
20. (B) 21. (D) 22. (C) 23. (C) 24. (B) 25. (D) 26. (A)
27. (D) Acid rain results from the emission into the atmosphere of various pollutant gases in particular sulphur dioxide (SO2) and oxides of nitrogen (NO2), which originate from the burning of fossil fuels and from motor-car exhaust fumes, respectively.
28. (A) 29. (B) 30. (B) 31. (C) 32. (D)
33. (C) The first National Park in India was set up in 1935 in the foot hills of Himalayas and was known as Hailey National Park. It is now known as Corbett National Park.
34. (A) Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) is a rigid rod-shaped ssRNA-containing virus that causes distortion and blistering of leaves in a wide range of plants.
35. (B) Kingdom Monera includes all prokaryotes. They are basically unicellular but can be mycelial, colonial and filamentous.
36. (A) 37. (A)
38. (B) A striking feature of cnidarians is the high degree of polymorphism often seen in a single species. Two basic types—sessile polyp and free-swimming medusa–occur.
39. (D) 40. (D) 41. (C)
42. (D) Members of Elasmobranchii subclass have no swim (air) bladders.
43. (D) 44. (B) 45. (A) 46. (C) 47. (C) 48. (B) 49. (C)
50. (D) Golgi complex is a part of endomembrane system, which is the system of internal membranes within eukaryotic cells that divide the cell into functional and structural compartments, or organelles.
51. (A) 52. (B)
53. (B) AB blood group in human is an example of codominance in which both the alleles IA IB are equally expressed. It means IA IB individuals have a phenotype that is essentially a combination of those shown by individuals with A and B blood groups.
54. (A)
55. (A) A small autosome, chromosome 21, added to the normal complement (47, + 21) causes Down syndrome. This is a trisomic for chromosome 21.
56. (D) 57. (B) 58. (D) 59. (C) 60. (A)
61. (C) The Mesozoic era is often known as the “Golden Age of Reptiles” as these animals, which included the dinosaurs and ichthyosaurs, became dominant lifeform.
62. (B) 63. (D) 64. (A) 65. (B) 66. (A) 67. (A)
68. (D) Restriction enzyme is a class of nucleases originally extracted from the E . coli. Type I restriction enzymes bind to a recognition site of duplex DNA, travel along the molecule and cleave one strand only. Type II cleaves the duplex at specific target site at or near the binding site.
69. (C) 70. (B) 71. (A) 72. (C) 73. (A) 74. (B) 75. (D)

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“Current Affairs” and “General Knowledge” cover many topics like from economy to sports or education to politics, or even technology to automobiles. In every second some issues are happening around the world in these sectors, and to accumulate the excerpt of some highlighted news, and memorize it is a good plan to prepare current affairs and GK.

Some Important Tips to Follow:

Read Newspapers regularly

We all know that “Old is Gold”, same thing applies here too. We need to make a habit of reading newspapers regularly. I’ll suggest you to read more than one newspaper. It will be better if you read one newspaper of your mother language, and other of English. Some useful newspapers are “The Times of India”, “The Hindu”, “The Telegraph” etc. You need to start this habit at least 6 months before the actual exam that will help you to get access to all the important events of that period of time.

You need to keep an eye on what’s happening around you in your country and world as well. Trust me guys, you will surely find it interesting after several days. We all know that staying updated is always a good idea, as it will stand you apart from the rest.

Read Magazines thoroughly

This is another great option to prepare the subject we are talking about. There are many leading magazines that focus on current affairs and General Knowledge. You need to buy it from your local magazine seller, and start reading it thoroughly. These magazines beautifully categorize the articles with its genres to make it interesting to read on. Some of the useful magazines are Pratiyogita Darpan andManorma.

Try to read some business magazines and sports magazines too along with a general magazine. This will increase your chances of cracking the competitive exams with ease. Some useful business magazines areBusiness Today, Business Line etc.

Follow News Channels

You will need to follow news channels at least once a day. Now most of the leading news channels are active for 24*7. You need to pick up a suitable time for yourself to watch any favorite news channel of yours. You can watch ABP News, NDTV, Times Now, ET Now, Zee News etc. Try to go through all the breaking and highlighted news, and make it a habit.

I know that watching news channels for long will bore you, so I’ll suggest you to allocate only 30 minutes for it in a whole day. All the leading ones shows the glimpses of all important events of the day quite frequently, so 30 minutes will be enough for you to boost up your current affairs and GK knowledge.

Maintain a Diary

My teacher used to tell me that whenever you learn something try to write it down in your diary, as it will help you to memorize it in a better manner. He is so right, as this method helped me a lot to score good marks in every exam that I appeared for. As I already mentioned before that a lot of events are occurring in the country and around the world, so it is easily understandable that it is not easy to remember everything. It’s always a superb idea to maintain a diary of current events.

You need to update this diary on a daily basis with all the events that you consider as important ones. This diary will become quite useful for the revision part, as it will provide you information about all the important events at a place. You should keep revising the diary frequently, as it will help you to memorize important names, dates, awards etc.

Channelize your Preparation Accordingly

All the competitive exams are not same, as all of them have different pattern, even when it comes to the same topic as ‘Current Affairs’ or ‘GK’. For example for civil services exam, you need to give importance on events of National value. On the other scenario, in matter of bank job exam, the focus should be on the news on banking sectors, and economic and business news.

Thus I’ll suggest you to prepare as per the exams you are appearing for, as channelizing your preparation according to the pattern of the exam will accelerate your chance of getting selected.

Use Internet Resources

Google, YouTube and Wikipedia are my favorite teachers’; one of my friends told me this once. This is quite true indeed, so you should use all the available online resources to study current affairs and GK for exams. For example this blog is all about “Current Affairs”, so you can check this blog regularly by subscribing to us (check the sidebar for subscription options). You can actively take part some forums that are focusing on current events. The good part is you can follow the websites of all leadingnewspapers online if you don’t have enough time to read newspapers.

Use Social Networking Sites for Good

Believe me or not you can surely use social networking sites to your benefits. Especially to prepare current affairs and General knowledge Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and StumbleUpon may help you a lot. You can join some Facebook pages, or follow some twitter accounts that are related to current affairs. You can join our Facebook Page too for this matter, or connect with me at LinkedIn or circle me in Google Plus for all the information on recent happenings to boost up your General Knowledgeability.

Give Priority to your Strength

We usually find difficulties when we try to learn everything at once. In that process basically we study a lot, but remember a little. We need to first select our strength areas for our preparation. Try to givepriority to your strength areas. It may be Sports, economy, Government Affairs or technology. Suppose you are applying for Bank exams, then you should prepare industry related news. Along with that you may pick any 2-3 areas of your strength like sports or technology. You need to prepare these sections to the utmost level. I can assure you that these strategies will help you to score much better in Current Affairs section.

Participate in Online Quizzes

You should participate in some free quizzes that are available online to evaluate yourself. For this matter you can easily access our “Quiz Section”. This will give you proper idea whether you are ready for the big exam day or not. As an added factor it will also provide you confidence i.e. very much essential. You can download Monthly-wise current affairs questions from Here.